.::Revolution::. Magic Translator Version 1.6.0

Details Features Contents Reviews (1)


** Latest Version 24th November 2023 **

Dear customer!

This is the MAGIC TRANSLATOR. It is able to translate your messages for others into a target language (default: English, can be changed) and to translates messages from others in the local chat into your language for your eyes only (default: German, can be customized).
You can use the output in such a way that neither your input nor the output of the translator can be read by others.
It has a RLV option and can be used to speak in a chosen name.
You can contact people far away, too, with translated messages.

To use it, the translator must be added as a HUD.

Explanation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__bSxfCZ-Kc (English)

Base Features:
* Translate your messages for others into local chat
* Translate your messages for others for your eyes only (you can use it to translate a message that you post in a instant message channel
* Choose output language for others
* Translate others' messages for you
* Choose your own language
* Set if the output is for you / everyone
* Set the private channel
* Use private channel for translations
* Translate a single message into a chosen language (independent from settings)
* Display the standard language of another avatar
* Shows the standard languages of all avaters in the region
* Greets an avatar in his standard language
* Set the name of the translator to your own name
* HUD for settings
* Choose the name of the translator
* Use RLV instead of channels for translation
* Use OOC translated actions
* whisper / say / shout translated messages
* Choose the symbol for RLV chat commands
* Choose avatars to write translated personal messages and allow them to write translated feedbacks
* Choose a avatar nearby (or by UUID) to send translated instant messages.

There more then hundred languages you can use like
de - Deutsch
en - Englisch
fr - Französisch
ru - Russisch
es - Spanisch
pt - Portugisisch
pl - Polnisch
sv - Schwedisch
it - Italienisch
zh - Chinesisch
ja - Japanisch
tr - Türkisch

For any issues please contact me and I will try to help you as soon as possible



  • Translator

Reviews (XX)

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1 star:
It's impossible to translate.

Posted February 20, 2024 by AmicusMywolf 1 star

Don't waste your Linden, the translator will fail at some point the next day. Completely unusable
Tip: The translation service is not available at the moment. Please try it later. If the problem persists, please send a notecard to Ushur !
The accompanying note on HUD explains this issue
If the translator does not work correctly, please give it a minute. The service may not be available at the moment (unfortunately I can't do anything about this because I use a standard translation service). In an emergency, take the translator off and put it back on again, this should help if it no longer wants to work.

If there is a problem with the translator, please send a note card to secondlife:///app/agent/6aa5114e-3fb3-42a2-ac7b-d90b0d401148/inspect

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Sold by: Ushur
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  • Works with Classic and Mesh Avatars More info
  • 1 star 1 Reviews

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