A futuristic, slick, sci-fi car, perfect for populating the roads in any cyberpunk, dystopian, or near-future urban areas.
-Original Mesh, Created for SL by Renafox
-6 Texture options
-Materials Enabled with normal maps and specular
-Low land impact
- High-Quality, Original Mesh Decor
- 1 LI
- 6 Color Options
- Unscripted
- Materials Enabled
Great sim props!
I brought Neo Machina back from the dead on my new homestead, and so I needed a bunch of filler, a bunch of props. I've spent the past 3 weeks (as of writing this) rebuilding a sim that died years ago. One thing that has helped breathe life into it though, are the cars from this store, and at 1 land impact each, I could put 1000 of these on the ground and still have room for more!
A nice plus is that they do come with textures, just in case you mess up a car and need to replace them. It would be cool if I could have the UV Map for painting on the sides of the vehicles or whatnot, but at this price, it's already awesome enough.
Thank you!
I see these in so many cyberpunk-y sims so I'm surprised there isnt a review already, these are great static props! My only issue/want is for the textures they come with to be full perm so I can make my own and edit them for even more awesomeness. I'll probably send the creator a NC about it but it takes away nothing from these great props.