Two weapons that strike light lightning and roll like thunder, each scripted for maximum use on the battlefield. All weapons are materials enabled, and feature custom mixed sound effects that give them the presence they deserve.
Your primary weapon is Zhalo Supercell. It's a fusion of old world technology and cutting edge sensibility, with ferrous 7.62x54 micro-capacitor round encased in a copper-lattice tungsten jacket that stores and discharges electricity when fired. Make sure to use /1reload before the 30 round magazine runs dry. Activate it with /1draw put it away with /1sling
At closer ranges, there's the much newer but spiritually similar Risk Runner, a sub-machinegun which fires bolts of coherent electricity via particle accelerator. Each 30 round power cell depletes quickly, so /1reload before you've used up all your rounds. Your secondary weapon can be pulled out with /1draw2 and put it away again with /1sling
While these weapons have been set up and balanced for SLMC use, they're also just fine for RP use, and are intended to look, sound, and feel authentic to Destiny first and foremost.
All weapons in this set will be compatible with our other Operator sets, so collect them all to mix and match.
- High Quality Animations
- Low Lag Scripting
- Custom Mixed Sound Effects
- No Unpacking Required