Useful little storage system here works with any no copy role play prop. You may take one, five, ten, or twenty-five depending on how many are in the container. The menu also allows adding items, opening and closing the box (you can change the open texture to whatever you like), and resetting the script.
Each container is 1 prim, possibly less if linked, and there are several different containers: boxes, kegs, wine bottles, baskets, jars, and an egg basket.
Please Note that security is GROUP ONLY, so whatever you set the group to is the group that can access it.
NEW! Also included are customizable item-rezzers, and a set of self-deleting boxes that are approved for use in markets. (Not allowed to sell just the empty boxes, must include your own stock.)
If you are having an issue with the storage box not responding to clicks. Either you're not wearing the right group, the script was disabled during delivery, or there's something else happening because it works fine for me. Sometimes scripts stop working for whatever reason, try a fresh copy, and if that doesn't work I recommend getting a redelivery at the redelivery terminal at my in-world store. You may have an old version.
A fantastic product!
Currently me and a friend of mine are into the Aura RP system, and the shelves here work perfectly for all the items aura has- as we can store our salts, apples and other objects into them, make it group only and then actually get them out without having to open the build window or anything else- that and if I need less bottles of wine and more crates, I can just edit the shelf and rearrange the items. I'm not sure how items are stored with the Unity RP system, but if it actually has physical contents, then I'm sure it'd be just as useful there. ^.^
All in all, a wonderful purchase that makes life easy for both of us, without one of us having to be online to ship items back and forth- or leave them lying about for someone to pick up by accident!
Fantastic Idea!
Thanks for this great RP storage prop. The maker replied to my concerns and I'm very pleased with the purchase
WOW awesome find
Great build nice work and easy to use. Highly recommend to anyone has made our G&S storage a dream!