Sculpted, hand-painted rooster (cockerel, chanticleer, male chicken) that blinks and crows (with moving beak).
Mod/copy/no-trans (scripts copy only). 7 prims.
4 versions included:
- Rooster (unscripted) is unscripted (doesn't even blink)
- Rooster (crows on touch) crows when anyone touches it.
- Rooster (crows at sunrise) crows once every sim day (about every 4 hours) at/just before sunrise. (Note: This rooster will not crow on regions with a fixed sun position.)
- Rooster (crows at specified time) crows once at a specified time within the next 24 hours. The owner can touch the bird to set/change/unset the alarm, in hh:mm (24 hour clock) format (e.g. for 2:34 PM enter 14:34). Rooster follows SLT. After the rooster crows, the alarm is automatically turned off until the owner sets a new alarm.
Also available in-world at:
SHD, Missing Beckett (mainstore, PG)
exactly what I need
Very nice!
I really like this rooster. It is realistic looking, and there are several sound options too. It looks great at my western roleplay ranch.
wish it was animated.
so probably wouldn't recommend unless you were looking for an alarm clock. looks good though
good looking rooster
the only thing that would make this rooster better is if it was animated and had a menu to select how the crowing takes place. It is a very handsome rooster.
this is such a grate thing look's good and sounds better