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This is a realistic North American double wide trailer home, made to go alongside our general purpose trailer. The trailer home is realistically scaled, with a fairly normal floor plan that includes a large area for kitchen and living room, 2 large rooms and 2 smaller rooms. Includes 2 clean themes and one neglected. Have the option to have a skirt, or have it mounted on cinder blocks. Many surfaces can be changed to any color, including all walls, floors and ceilings.
This trailer is 100% mesh, materials enabled, with projector lights, and has custom LODs and collision shapes. Is best seen when having advanced lights models active.
This trailer has working doors, lights and windows; all works with the central HD Access Control. The access control allows setting to owner, group or everyone, plus custom whitelist. This trailer is also CasperLet compatible, which means that adds tenants and subtenants to the access control automatically when the property is rented, and are removed when the rent is over. No intervention required.
Footprint: 11.4 x 20.4 (without stair or deck)
Land Impact: 47 to 70 (including a stair or deck)
Mesh & Textures: Seba Serpente
Scripts: Lares Carter
- Clean and Neglected versions included
- Options of stairs and deck included
- HD Access Control
- Working doors, windows & lights
- CasperLet Compatible
Best I've Seen
Great build. Beautiful textures and nice layout.
great work
Great addon to our trailer park it goes great having a few double wides with more of a layout to them then the original singles . great job and great selection options . also love that they come with the shutters already on and ready to go . at first was wondering why the price is much higher but then i realize its cause all the addons in one vs before had to buy all the addons :D the price is definatly worth it ty keep it up ... hope u might make a set that has a second side door like some do in rl . :D