Shergood Aviation and Virtual SYL Design are proud to bring you the virtual H160, a medium utility helicopter. The H160 is based on the Airbus H160 expected to ship in 2019. The SA-FE (Shergood Aviation Flight Engine) engine driving this virtual reproduction was created by an RL helicopter pilot and designed to fly like an RL helicopter. The engine is purely physics based and features independent control of cyclic, collective, throttle and anti-torque pedals enabling true power-off autorotations.
*Working glass cockpit
*Working flight computer integrated with autopilot
*HSI with glideslope
*ACAS (Aircraft Collision Avoidance System)
*TAWS (Terrain Awarness and Warning System)
*Aircraft event log system
*Retractable gear
*SA-FE (Shergood Aviation Flight Engine) scripting with independent cyclic, collective, throttle and anti-torque controls
*Realism features can be enabled or disabled to adjust level of difficulty.
*Weight dependent performance (fuel and passengers)
*Main rotor torque (pedals must be used to compensate)
*Independent engine and rotor RPM
*Selectable "training mode" for simulated single-engine operation
*True power-off autorotations
*Ground effect increases lift near surfaces (land, water, or prim)
*Translational lift increases lift with forward airspeed
*Translating tendency results in a "left skid low" look during hover.
*Vortex ring state danger exists when helicopter is mishandled
*Working electrical system with rechargeable battery.
*Exterior and interior lighting (instrumentation, navigation, landing, and taxi lights).
*Refuelling system with fuel quantity control
*Realistic sounds from an actual H-160
*Fully functioning dual controls.
*Paint kit system for user customizable painting.
*Unique N-number and serial number assigned to each aircraft.
*HOBBS meter tracks total time on aircraft.
*Access control system: owner only, guest or registered pilots.
*Passenger control - enable/disable access to passenger seats
*Dust/water particle effects when hovering near a surface.
*Simulated damage and failures.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you already own another of my H-160 helicopters, please do not buy from here. Instead, please use one of my in-world "ADD ON" vendors for a special discount.
See item in Second Life View Video »the best
In my collection of helicopters, they are the best, very realistic, perfect for RP.
Great realistic aircraft
As Battlefield 4, Battlefield 2042 and Planetside 2 pilot of troop transport or attack helicopter I found sorta easy and familiar using this helicopter controls in first person (M key default) and novice mode(I don't want to crash and this explode when Im not there lol), sure due to the nature of SL being in grid regions I known can't go full speed like the above mentioned tittles.
Im still learning all tricks of this invesment which I liked a lot (mainly the landings) of rest is a good product, for those that like challenges to master.
No damn clue how to fly it but the attention to detail is pretty damn neat, still learning.
I am a very old SL flyer who dropped out of flying from about 2010 to now. I decided to get back into it in the last month or so and, after asking around, I heard about Shergood helicopters and how realistic they were. I went to check them out, jumped into a demo version of the EC135, and . . . promptly wrecked it on the ground. But right then, the difference between a Shergood and the aircraft i flew in the past and could demo now was obvious. To fly a Shergood, you have to know a tiny bit about how to actually fly.
Kelly encouraged me to keep trying. I asked her what she would recommend for a first time customer. She suggested several, including the H160. I went ahead and bought this version and have subsequently bought the other two H160 versions (EMS and VIP) in world. I am in love and eyeing the H92 and S92 as a future purchase.
The realism that has gone into this product is amazing. Every switch and control in the cockpit does something. The physics of torque and the need to control the tail rotor to counteract it matches what one reads about real world helicopter flying. I even had to look up things like vortex ring state to learn what they were in real life so I could get better at avoiding them in SL. I’ve had my H160 for about a month and I am still learning how to fly it as well as possible.
And that brings me an important point: this is a helicopter for people who enjoy learning. If the idea of learning a little bit about real world helicopter flying physics does not sound like fun to you, then this is probably not the right helicopter for you. But it *can* be done independently. I have not taken flight lessons from any of the instructors because, to me, the learning and figuring it out independently is a big part of the joy I am getting from it.
I am pleased to say that, at this point, I’m fairly happy with how well I am flying it. And the various versions of the H160 are my go to for every aerial mission I fly.
The Airbus H-160 is a amazing aircraft
After study & testing everything about the H160, I found it to be amazing as the SL grid will allow.
The main menu & painting is excellent with all the options to use. The realistic flight using the camera view gesture, is a joy to see flying.
Another hit by Shergood Aviation!
Flies beautifully and behaves as realistically as Second Life permits, almost as realistic as my rotary wing aircraft in Prepar3D Pro Plus. Easy to repaint using GIMP (free) or Photoshop (definitely not free), my goto person for repaints for my group needed only a half hour to repaint based on the livery for my H-92. As this is a realistic aircraft, reading the documentation is strongly recommended as is some basic knowledge of how RL rotary wing (helicopter) aircraft work. This version works for both passenger operations and GTFO! haulers. To avoid HOBBS errors, make sure you only have one of each purchased rezzed in-world at a time. I am looking forward to when police (SWAT/SRU) and ambulance versions are released! Again, read the documentation, and if the answer isn't there make sure you have joined the group since us pilots might know the answer. Some of us are available for flight instruction as well (fees vary, joining and actively participating in some groups gets you free training). Enjoy!