A detailed low prim fully textured sculpty digital watch that is scripted to tell time in 11 timezones with DST and chime capability. Modifiable so can be resized to fit on most avatars.
See item in Second LifeCool.
I dig the style. I just wish there was a smaller size option.
Texture, perfect time.
Limited size change. I recommend only for normal avatars.
A nice little watch, I bought it as an alternative to the hoorenbeek watch I usually wear on my avatar, for use with a certain RP character avatar and make it just that little bit different and detailed.
The chime seems to love staying on even when turned off repeatedly but, once an hour it really just lets you keep track of RL time so you don't get too lost in the world of SL =P
A little awkward to fit right, had to manually adjust the straps, but otherwise great.
I'd recommend it.