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SWB Inflatable Life Jacket - PFD (fully working and floats) Xst

SWB Inflatable Life Jacket - PFD (fully working and floats) Xst

SWB Inflatable Life Jacket - PFD - (fully working and floats) - inflate deflate hud

Land Sea or Air Rescue

A nice accessory for Sailors, Motorboat enthusiasts, jet skiers, windsurfers, Sim Security, Sim Cops, SL Police, Coast Guard, RNLI, Rescue Services, Aviation, Military, Yacht Club Staff, canoists and Seaplane pilots.

and many more uses

The item has a number of features

First and foremost it is in two parts - an optional belt clothing (jacket) layer to give an anchor point when not in use, and the life jacket (BOTH MALE AND FEMALE sizes supplied) adjust to fit by right clicking edit and use the arrows.

It has a simple single button hud click it to inflate click it once to deflate and thats it.

This will float you in a true to life 'life jacket pose' - the left arm paddles and you create a wake as you move, the right hand is above water for using some of my other items (optional extra purchases) walkie talkie and rescue flare - to keep them out of the water a bit.

You can use your arrow keys to move about in the water and you will drift when you let the keys go just like in real water.

If you are on the seabed and pull the inflate you will fly up to the waters surface and bounce a little and then settle into you afloat postion - this bounce does not occur if you walk into the water and trigger it of course - its to do with your avatar inertia but i kinda like it :)

Modeled from Sculpted prims - this is a unique and custom object with audio splashes created by the builder especially for sl use and adds authenticity to waterbased games.

A must have and a bargain price

Color Stripe matches SWB Tamar Boat and D-Class Boat Stripes.

See box image for more.

Have fun and happy days
Surfwidow Beaumont

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