Redwing 1.1
see it in the flesh along with many of my other items at
Watch the video
Based on the famous 1931 UK cornish racing class design of boat the Looe Redwing is designed to get ordinary folk out sailing boats.
This is the inspiration behind this new boat in sl
Its an uncomplex, cheap, simple to use, and a fun basic boat that can seats a few friends and can be raced too :)
1) To start sailing right away, say "raise".
2) To steer left and right, use the left/right arrow keys or the 'a' and 'd' keys (when not in chat mode).
4) To move the sail in or out, use the up/down arrow keys or the 'w' and 's' keys (when not in chat mode).
5) To come to a full stop, say "moor".
6) Type /12 sprayon or /12 sprayoff for bow spray effects and sound effects
7) There is one crew ball near the brass winch on the portside that is animated you can rez a rope for that person to improve the look of the sailor - all poseballs can be hidden with the 'show' or 'hide' command.
8) The crew rope (they hold) can be rezzed with the 'crewropeon' or 'crewropeoff' command.
9) To Enter mouselook - like you are really sailing it - press the 'm' key (when not in chat mode) - and escape a couple of time to return.
10) Page Up and Page Down keys rasie and lower the Foresail. (see a more detailed explanation below).
- Use the left and right arrow keys (or 'a' and 'd') to steer the boat.
- Use the forward and backward arrow keys (or 'w' and 's') to "sheet" (i.e., pull the mainsheet (i.e., the rope) that pulls the mainsail in and out.
- Use the Page Up and Page Down keys to raise and lower the foresail.
"raise" -- raise the mainsail and begin sailing.
"lower" -- lower the mainsail and stop sailing. Note that the boat will continue to drift.
"moor" -- reset the boat to non-physical state.
"sheet X" -- sheets in or out the mainsail by X degrees ("sheet -5" will pull the sail in by 5 degrees).
"id#XX" -- displays a two-digit number between 00 and 99 to your boats id"id#05").
"knots" -- changes speed units on the HUD to knots (nautical miles per hour).
"/12 sprayon" -- turns on bow spraybow spray effects and sound effects
"/12 sprayoff" -- turns off bow spraybow spray effects and sound effects
hide -- hides poseballs
show -- shows poseballs
"crewropeon" -- crew rope on (they hold)
"crewropeoff" -- crew rope off(they hold)
"Page Up Key" -- Raises Foresail
"Page Down Key" -- lowers Foresail
I have attempted to make the use of this as untechnical as possible for newbies
The Foresail is not just for show it (when you press the page up key) it will raise and set both sails to a perfect fastest point of sail reach - 45 degrees - however this will also penalty you if you raise it when tacking (into the wind) as it will temporarily change your main sail setting and slow you down whilst you reset you sail trim once more - so use this wisely - the same applies when reaching - if you lower the sail when reaching (fastest point of sail) you will be slowed slightly - making those around you with foresails slightly faster (assuming they have their wind and sheet settings set correctly of course ;) as there is a speed tweak included when you raise the foresail when reaching but not when tacking
There is no right or wrong way to use this sail, some may want to leave it up all the time as its more work to adjust it, whereas others may prefer a slightly improved up and downwind performance by raising and lowering it, its entirely up to you and just a bit of fun to make the sailing experience that much more realistic
There are many variations on a theme here
there is the 3 symbol RSX Windsurfers
The Tako SLSF Registry at
or you may want a number you have in rl
Option 1) As a startline recognises your id anyway many people do not bother with a number unless they are in competitions just id you board as shown below
Option 2) I suggest you use the enclosed sail prim texture - file - save texture to your hard drive - then remove any background colour so it is transparent around the sail then place a white number on that in an image edition program - save as a .png to retain the alpha section parts and reupload it - add it to the sail prim in the same way as you would tako sails.
Option 3) Use the supplied spaces on the top of this boat - use view - highlight transparent to see it (4 small transparent prim boxs) and you c
Uses poseballs bad graphics
Really old boat.
lot of fun
easy to sail, very fun- inexpensive for an SL winds boat