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Sack of Gold Tip Jar - Professional Version Version 5.33

Sack of Gold Tip Jar - Professional Version

This is a sculpted prim Tip Jar in the shape of a Tip Sack filled with gold coins !

It is copy and mod, so you can change it to any shape or size that you wish and also make as many as you like, so you can have different settings for different clubs etc. It also has a wide range of useful features (listed below), all of which can be turned on or off using the jars menu system. (Script no mod).

*** All our products come with Lifetime updates. If you break one of our products, we will repair or replace! ***

Like all of my Tip Jars, it is "Rez 'n Go", so you have no need to Change any of the settings to use it, it's ready to go from the off. You can personalise this Jar to suit your personal requirements. No Scripting is necessary, you simply use the jars menu system and enter any text changes into a note-card.

Please take a few minutes to check out this product in our store, the photos above do not give you a full idea of it's quality.

 Tip Jar Features:
 ::- Menu Driven
 ::- Choose your tip jars name
 ::- Full stats on the tips you have received
 ::- 6 Different particle effects when tip received
 ::- Turn on and off Rotation
 ::- Change the hover text colour
 ::- Hand out Landmarks, Note-cards or Free Gifts. (Any two of these)
 ::- Select what tip information you want displayed
 ::- Personalise tip message
 ::- Send a private message to tipper
 ::- "Touch For Help" System
 ::- Automatic Updates sent to you for life!

I hate buying something in SL where the instructions and information are bad. So please feel free to view the instructions for this product from our Wiki site: www.wiki.marcuszenoria.com

We offer FULL product support from our support website: www.support.marcuszenoria.com

Thank you for your interest in my designs. If you like my designs, then please add your comment and rating.

Marcus Zenoria
MZD - Tip Jars & Tech

Download instructions See item in Second Life
  • Menu Driven - Fully Copy and Mod
  • Resize
  • Personalise Messages and Display
  • Groups Joiner and Giver (LM's, NC's, Gifts URL's)
Average rating: full star half star empty star empty star empty star
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Not worth the money at all
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted August 14, 2022 by Jj Yowahoshi

I didn't notice the small text that says it's a sculpted prim (it blends in with the background). Who charges L$229 for a sculpty? No one who knows better wants or uses sculpties anymore. It's not 2007.

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Doesnt do landmarks
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted December 20, 2010 by Elisabeth Putzo

I bought this but it seems that all it can do is asking for a tip.
It doesnt give away a landmark. Too expencive for just this.

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