Why pay more for a shelf that just SITS there?
This sculpted scripted bookshelf comes in two versions- a simple 5 prim, or 8 prims with lockable swinging glass doors. Both are scripted to distribute Notecards via menu from three separate columns on touch. Set up instructions to configure the doors and add your own note cards are included.
That's just the shelf, but you know we've added more! There are two additional copy-able sculpts included, a single sculpted book and a stack of 6. Both take up only 1 prim and change texture via chat.
Want a custom made copy with a different wood design? Marble or Stone? Scrolls instead of books? A set of toys *wink* on the shelves? IM Seraphim Rhode with any requests, pricing depends on the work involved, but we don't mind working All Night Long, as long as it's for you! *wicked grin*
Shelf is Copy/Mod Friendly.
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