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***These sculpts are original creation and they are not for resale individually or as object with full permissions, you can only resale them as part of your build***
**How to use this product**
Copy all content form the box you purchased
if you're not on your own land, go to place where you can rez objects and where you can run scripts
create a box
drag one of the scripts onto that box
what you will get is sculpted object that textured and ready to build.
Cant be simpler than that :)
1. The sculpties will be full permissions and
your name as creator on them that means no money
refunds, the only refund is on accidental multiple purchase deducting xstreet commission.
2.Since sculpties are not compatible with collision some
of the products may require additional prims as collision
3. The sculpt maps of these sculpties are not for sale
and not for transfer to another grids, if you have
request for custom sculpties please contact me.
4.Only the owner of product will have his/her name on objects,
consider whom you delivering this product.
5. If you do not understand this notice please do not
buy this product.
See item in Second Life- For content creators
- Easy and fast
- Full perm
I got only a ramp not stairs
somebody can help me please
Hi, well i give 5 stairs becaue all people says is goood, well i buy the product but i have 2 stairs spiral 2 of the same model i buy this because i like the 2 models not only one, i hope some can help me and the stairs not have steps too are like a floor the steps, i hope some can help me... thank you very much.
Fals advertising?
I purchased the stairs because I needed a spiral case without a rail... when I slapped the script into a prim what appeared? A stair railing up one side of the stairs... they're worthless to me
Right ON!!
These stairs are easy to use...even for a novice builder such as myself! I had trouble with the idea of walking up the straight stairs until a friend told me to use an invisible prim to create a ramp! Piece of cake!! Love these stairs!!
THE best scupted stairs Awesome!
These do need to be phantomed but just use invisible prim to walk up and drop in a rezzer script and these texture so well for all my strait 1 level up stairwells.
Good looking but not functional at all.
Cant link it bc it need to be phantom so its pretty worthless to me as a builder. Looks nice but doesnt work so...