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SeaMine Rezzer

SeaMine Rezzer

The SeaMine Rezzer was designed to help make the waters of Second Life a little more hazardous. Use is very simply - just place the Rezzer on the seafloor somewhere under water(*). When you have it set, just click it to get to the menu.

There are three choices of mine -- Safe (harmless but pretty), Damage (very dangerous!), and Push. The default selection is Safe.
There are also three choices for auto-rezzing - Short (a mine is rezzed every 15 - 30 minutes), Medium (a mine is rezzed every 1 to 2 hours), and Long (a mine is rezzed every 2 to 7 hours).
You can select to rez a mine immediately "Rez Now" and can turn auto-rezzing on and off. There is also a reset function to reset the scripts.

The SeaMines themselves are not tethered, and will rise to hover just beneath the surface of the water. They will then drift slowly away in the direction of the rezzer. You can rotate the rezzer to determine what directions the mines drift.

The SeaMines are armed and active as soon as they rez. They are very delicate, any contact will set them off. When a watercraft (or swimmer, or anything) collides with a SeaMine, the mine will explode.

SeaMines have a limited lifetime, after roughly 40 - 60 minutes if they have not hit anything, they will self destruct.

The SeaMine Rezzer is Copyable so you can set up as many as you like, and keep a backup as well. Please note SeaMines will work only in Linden water, not prim water.

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