1) Introducing the 1st version of the new Mesh Skyhome Series, Shades of the East V-1. I have always had an affinity for the beauty of many Asian cultures, so I tried a mix of traditional eastern looks with a splash of modern & color on this 1st version.
2) The new Skyhome has a living room & bedroom. The wall separating the 2 has a door & a fully functional fireplace that can be seen & enjoyed from both spaces. The fireplace has it's own menu to change textures, turn on & off, & to lock access from visitors. Each space also have window scenes with curtain open / closed options. To keep the look nice, I integrated the controller into the skyhome. Touch the framed art that is accessible from both spaces & the skyhome menu is displayed.
3) This Skybox counts as just 4 Land Impact per unit, with a foot print of 25M long x 16M wide and a height of 7M. No matter which version you choose, these skyhomes are a great start for rental properties or those who may just be tight on prims.
4) Skyhomes have a multi menu level access control that only the owner will be able to see & set up, so no random visitor will be able to make changes to the skyhome. Levels of Access include "Owner Only," "Access List," "Group," "Access List + Group," & "Public." Access is set to "List" by default & only accessible by the owner when received.
5) The Skyhome Series Menu has 12 settings....
*) Access= Owner sets various levels of user access to the menu.
*) Main Walls= 11 Textures choices on ALL interior walls, including the center wall which is considered the "Accent" wall in the menu.
*) Ceiling= 11 accenting color schemes added to the ceiling.
*) Floor= 11 accenting color schemes added to the floor.
*) BR Accent= 11 textures added to the center wall on the bed room side to accent the main walls.
*) LR Accent= 11 textures added to the center wall on the living room side to accent the main walls.
*) BR Art= 11 choices of custom prints that can be used in the bedroom of the skybox.
*) BR Drapes= 20 options of open & closed curtains in 10 colors.
*) BR View= 19 custom scenic looks viewed from the bedroom window.
*) LR Art= 11 choices of custom prints that can be used in the living room of the skybox.
*) LR Drapes= 20 options of open & closed curtains in 10 colors.
*) LR View= 19 custom scenic looks viewed from the living room window.
6) Mesh Series Skyhomes are modify, "Do Not Unlink" for any editing however, you will essentially break it.
7) Re-texture walls & such to suit your own tastes or needs, menu overrides your changes if used of course.
8) Resizing is also possible but not advised, this skyhome is pretty roomy as sized. If you attempt resizing, be prepared to spend time "tweaking" the door back into shape, if you are even able. Changes in size will affect the door position thus affecting the look when used. It is possible but time consuming depending on your skill level.
9) New Gen 7 Teleport System included free with all new skyhome releases. Please view MP listing to see the exact features.
4 Prim Land Impact
Copy / Modify / No Transfer
*) Your box may show up with any combinations of permissions on receipt, but the actual item inside will be as advertised. Please be sure to wear your land group tag BEFORE rezzing or you may lose your purchase.
1) This build is all linked & simple to rezz right from the box, so it will not be in a rezzor. Once rezzed just change the Z axis in edit mode to send it to the height you would like it at. I try to use rezzors because I thought they were easier for most, but I have gotten way to many IMs for help or complaints about them not working or being empty. I do lots of testing & nothing is ever "empty" & there is nothing I can do if your land is really laggy. :(
2) While editing for personal choices such as using your own textures, use the edit linked parts feature. Unlinking this build will essentially break the menu.
3) Always keep a copy of the original product (if it was copy) in case a change is done wrong, just so you can always start over with a fresh copy.
4) You must have land to rez this item in world.
WORKS OF WONDER - Just a little spot to add to the magic that is the Second Life community through our thoughts, dreams and wonderment...... We now have a small in-world store in Tamura so that many of our works may be seen up close and tested before being purchased. Thank you all for your patronage and interest in our products.
We hope that you enjoy the products you have purchased from us and continue to come back to visit in the future. Please do not hesitate to add a rating and review to let us know what you think of your purchase. If you have any issues, questions or requests just send a note-card to Connor71. I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.
Again we thank you for your patronage....
Ver el artículo en Second Life- All mesh 4 land impact design & using low lag scripts for fireplace & appearance
- 2 rooms with door and a functional fireplace viewable & enjoyed from both spaces
- Multi Access levels set by owner to allow others skyhome menu control & design
- New Gen 7 Teleport System & Moriko Fireplace included free with skybox purchase
- Need a home, dance pole or podium? Maybe a dance floor or ball? Visit WOW today!
Thank you for sharing :)
Nestled inside my brand new, cozy "Shades Of The East"...... watching the designer's hot spirit , hidden behind the colors, shades and the creative art.... Charming...
The best thing about this sky box is that its just 4 prims for all you get and its mod. The menu works great and the textures are great, but you can actually play with it if you want different looks. I left the windows as they were but changed the interior to more of a modern look and it worked out great.The Coolest sky box I have found so far, definitely recommended especially if you are tight on prims.
Gorgeous skybox
The window views and wall textures are absolutely beautiful and only 4 prims is amazing. I only have 117 to use so at 4 I still have plenty for decorating and furniture. Thanks for a great skybox
Low Prim with many options!
This is a great answer for those who need prim space with options to enhance their home!