[Silence] 'AK-47'
This sculpted assault rifle is based on the famous Kalashnikov Ak-47 model. It comes with a few effects and is compatible with most RP systems like DCS2.
Basic settings:
Version: V.1.1
Magazine size: 60 rounds.
Velocity: 175 m/s.
Firemode: full automatic/single round.
Slung version provided.
/1 draw
/1 sling
/1 vel.###
/1 reset
/1 reload; /1 r
For bug and error reporting contact Totenstille Aeon.
- sculpted
- fluid gun script
doesnt show on my back as slung
very effective !
not a so nice look, but very effective & very cheap !
For 1L you don't expect such a beautiful representation of an AK-47; simple commands, shoots like a machine gun, hits the target; the unslung version allows you to carry it concealed (try *that* irl lol); the sling version perfectly slings to your back. Lovely.