Skye Gift Cards now available inworld:
**Video Tutorial Linked Below**
I am proud to present this BOLT-ON TEXTURE PACK for owners of Skye Animated River Pack 2
This set contain scripts you can drop in to existing Animated River Pack 2 modules to give four season functions.
In the Box:
Snow Objects
Bonus Terrain textures
Please note: This Pack contains scripts and snow objects only, there are no river models in the box. If you do not already own Skye Animated River Pack 2, you can find it using the related item below
Please note: This Bolt on is designed for Pack 2 only (it is not compatible with Pack 1)
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I can't express the amount of love I have for this entire set (I purchased both packs, as well as their season addons). It sounds hard to justify the money - but it is WORTH. IT.
My favorite thing is the winter setting. You have the option to rez snow on top of the rocks - but it also rezes ice on the sides of the river and ice FLOATING DOWNRIVER. The realism is unreal. HIGHLY recommend!
LOVE IT!!!!!
love love love it thank you so much for doing this I had been waiting for a while hugs thank you so so much now I just need my pebble beach bolt and i'll be one happy camper smiles