I am proud to present This BOLT-ON TEXTURE PACK set for owners of Skye RUSTIC FENCE Building Set
This set contain scripts you can drop in to existing RUSTIC FENCE pieces to give four season changing functionality, snow objects and access control.
Seasons Change via a menu - Spring, Summer, 2 x Fall and Winter are all included in this set.
All rezzed pieces can be season changed with one click. Individual pieces can be isolated.
Links into other Skye Season Changing Items
Note: This is a script pack and contains no models. YOU MUST OWN (or buy) SKYE RUSTIC FENCE BUILDING SET. If you do not have the set and would like it, please see related items below.
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Awesome addon
Gorgeous snow effects, and seasonal ground effects if you go with the ground tiles. The only thing I could wish for is an option to apply to all the linked objects - right now even if I link the fence pieces, I have to click each one to change them.
really nice Bolt on Set :D !!!
I asked Alex for an Bolt on Set and yeah he mades one :D
I really like it, its looking amazing on the rustic fence and the snow texture is very pretty , its a must have in your winter location ;)
Thank you very much Alex, for that beautifully set :D ♥