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Sleepy Bear Script Time Controller - Shut Down Unneeded Scripts

Sleepy Bear Script Time Controller - Shut Down Unneeded Scripts
Sleepy Bear Script Time Controller - Shut Down Unneeded Scripts
1 Review

Use the Sleepy Bear Script Time Controller to preserve sims' precious script time by shutting off unneeded scripts.

State on
[08:45:47] Script info: 'Script Time Test Color Changer': 0.157242 ms of CPU time consumed.

State off
[08:51:25] Script info: 'Script Time Test Color Changer': 0.006217 ms of CPU time consumed.


Keep luxurious items without ruining sims!

If your object has a script time (CPU time) of near, or over, 0.01, then you should consider putting Sleepy Bear Script Time Controller in your items and products you sell.

You may not sell or give away this script with as a stand-alone product or part of a script set. The script is to be used for your own use, or sold inside of your builds with COPY only or TRANSFER only permissions. Please support me, by following this agreement, so I can keep making more tools for you.

Scan for avatars.
If avatars are in range, turn scripts on.
If avatars are NOT in range, turn scripts off.
Settings to adjust range, time, and to exclude scripts from switching.

It is YOUR responsibility to determine which scripts should be turned on and off. For most uses, this will not be a concern.

This script only detects avatars inside of the sim.

Be aware that this script sends occasional link messages to possible satellite scripts you may use in other links if the SATELLITE setting is set to TRUE.

///// SETTINGS /////

Please be kind to sims and users and set these settings as minimally as you can.

RANGE = 100;
Distance from the nearest avatar that you want your scripts to be turned on. For many items, you may want as little as a few meters. For large items, like beach waves or large scoreboards, you may want a much longer range.

Check every x seconds when NO avis are around. Recommended setting is 15 or more seconds.

Check every x seconds when avis ARE around. Recommended setting is 300 or more seconds.

Put script names that you do NOT want switched on and off inside the brackets, separated by commas. i.e. ["My Script that must stay turned on", "My Other Script that must stay turned on" ]

Set this to TRUE if you have satellite scripts in the object and link messages will not interfere with any other scripts. Set to FALSE if you do not have satellite scripts, or you do not want link messages to be sent to all links. You must spell it TRUE or FALSE, not True, not true, but TRUE or FALSE.

Fill out the exclusions list, in the Satellite script/s if needed and put them in links where you want additional scripts to be turned off and on. Do not put the main script in more than one link. The satellite script is made for that and will save even more script time because they do not scan.
///// END SETTINGS /////

  • Saves Precious Script Time
  • Makes Scripts Run Faster
  • Helps Keep Sims Healthy - Socially Responsible
  • Easy to Use! Well Commented if you want to learn from it!
  • Tiny Scripts! Main Only 8Kb, Optional Satellites Only 6Kb!
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A must have for reducing the lag
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 23, 2020 by Aglaia

So many scripts in my store were very time consuming. Thanks to this tool, i've reduced lag a lot. This script should be massively used in SL, to make sims less laggy!

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L$ 299

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Azn's Scripts, Building Tools, HUDs, Animations, Games
Azn's Scripts, Building Tools, HUDs, Animations, Games
Sold by: itoibo

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This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.

  • Copy
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  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
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Land Impact: 0