Retro SL item made with classic easy render prims.
UPDATED to V.1.4
* Smaller size, improved sound volume.
* Now adapted for public use with auto timers.
* Game play changes and board balancing.
* Ship flash helps indicates players turn.
* Mono scripting.
* 2 player game with "Monopoly" styled strategy.
* Own Planetary Systems and manage resources.
* Multiple ways to win. (e.g. Resource Loss or Base Leveling)
* Save Dice Roll for later use and other strategic game tactics.
* Designed as a true board game to enjoy with friends.
* Now at more realistic 2x2 meter game board size.
* Free Updates.
* Smaller size, improved sound volume.
* Now adapted for public use with auto timers.
* Game play changes and board balancing.
* Ship flash helps indicates players turn.
* Mono scripting.
Each player clicks the ship of their choice.
The last to pick takes the first turn.
Game Play:
Gameplay is done by players clicking their ship for play options and the central star to end their turn.
Play options are: "Roll, Roll Save, Use Save, Build Base"
Rolls the main die and moves your ship.
Rolls and save your base die at a costs of 5 Plasma (The Base Die is located near your base)
This counts as a turn but will not move your ship. You may use this die roll at a later time instead of a normal random roll.
You may only use Roll Save when your base die is inactive (grey).
If you already have your base die active (white) it will not allow you to roll until it has already been used.
Uses the saved Base Die for your movement rather than a random roll.
This gives some control over your landing strategy.
This will build up your base if enough resources are obtained. Each base level requires 10 x the current lvl.
So if your base is level 2. It will require both 20 Ore and 20 Plasma to update to level 3. It will then require 30 in both resources to upgrade to level 4 and so on until level 6.
For each base level you gain you will also increase the amount your opponent will lose if they are forced to land on your base.
The amount they lose is double the cost to build. (20 x your base level.)
A base can only hold 99 of each resource. So if your opponent lands on your level 5 base then they must pay 100 in each resource. That will be an instant win for you. However a base can reach level 6. Upgrading to the level 6 base is to win the game instantly instead of waiting for your opponent to land on it.
Ending Turns:
To end your turn simply click the central star on the board.
How to Win the Game:
You may win the game by either building your base to level 6 or by your opponent losing all their resources.
Menu Button:
The menu button located near the central star will bring up simple game options. For non-owners of the game it will bring up a reset option. Owners of the game may access the owner menu when this button is pressed. This owners menu contains the update option as well as the reset even if others are playing at the time.
The update option is simply to check for updates on the Solar Odyssey server.
You should get a response saying your game is up to date within 60 seconds.
If you do not then try again after some time as the server may be offline due to Second Life issues. Such as rolling restarts on each sim.
Otherwise contact Sean Martin.
This section will explain important parts of the board for gameplay.
Planetary systems are marked with a silver planetary sphere. There are 8 spaces across the board. Each of these may be claimed by any player when landing on them.
Once a player lands on a planetary system it will change it's color tab to the players color. It will also change the icon to a Class 1 planetary system. Indicated by a single planet.
Each time a player lands on their own planet system it will auto upgrade. So a Class 1 will upgrade to Class 2 when landed on again by it's owner. This continues until a level 6.
When an opponent lands on your planetary system they will be charged resources equal to 10 x the planetary class.
So if your planetary class is at 3 (with 3 Planets shown on the icon) then your opponent will lose up to 30 Ore and Plasma. If they do not have enough in one of their resources then their value will drop to 0 for that particular resource. However you will still gain the full 30 in all resources from that planet.
If your opponent drops to 0 in both resources then you will instantly win the game.
Staying still on your own planet system will not upgrade it. You must land on it again for each upgrade.
These spaces will cause random events. Each eve
- Retro SL item made with classic easy render prims.
This game is a lot of fun, especially when you're losing, because that's when you really get into the game. When you're winning, though, you're always hoping that you roll the die so you win, or the opponent rolls the die so he loses. Either way, fun game!