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Sounds Great! Ambient System - The Deep Deep Ocean

Sounds Great! Ambient System - The Deep Deep Ocean

The Sounds Great! full region-capable Ambient Systems are a series of carefully designed sound systems that allow you to easily add an extra layer of immersive ambience to your sim or parcel. Unlike other sound systems on the market, these do not just play a few random sounds or loop one sound over and over - the Sounds Great! full region-capable Ambient Systems give you long, seamless loops of atmospheric ambience sounds. Some of them are up to an hour long - perfect for roleplaying or other regions where people spend a long time and would soon grow tired of a single sound looping over and over.

>>That sounds complicated to set up?<<
Quite the contrary! It was one of our goals to make this system as easy to use as possible. All you need to do is rez the controller, put satellite speakers wherever you want the sound to be heard on your parcel, then start playback via the controller. That's it. You don't need extra scripts to play or script knowledge, you don't need to fiddle with a radio controller or any other extra gadgets. This system plays inworld sound via the controller prim and synchronizes the output to every satellite speaker you rez in your sim or on your parcel, and it has been designed to be super-easy to set up, for people who don't want to bother with scripting and just want to see a fast, easy, and high-quality result.

>>Does this work across parcel borders, too?<<
Yes! As long as the parcels are in the same region, you can put speakers on each of your parcels and the sounds will play on all of them. This even works if you select the land option to restrict sounds to that parcel! You just need to make sure to have speakers on the parcel and a controller somewhere in the region.

>>Will these lag down my sim?<<
No. The controller and the speaker prims each use only one light-weight script. Even if you run multiple different sound loops, you shouldn't see an impact in the region's overall performance.

>>Wait, I can use different loops at the same time?<<
Yes! Each of the Sounds great! full region-capable Ambient Systems communicates on a different channel, so you can easily set up several complementing sounds to create an even more immersive experience. (As an example: the deep ocean sounds and sirens singing go very well together.)

>>Okay, sounds great. But I don't want to see these speakers everywhere...<<
That's no problem! Even though the speakers and controller appear no mod in your inventory, that's only due to the contents (scripts and sounds). The controller and the speakers themselves are modify, so you can easily make them invisible. Of course, if you are low on prims, you can also just drop the contents of the speaker prims into existing stuff on your sim, like rocks or decorations. Just make sure that you copy the exact contents of the speaker prim into your object.

>>Can I restrict access to the controller, so people can't change my sound settings randomly?<<
Yes! As a default, the system comes with access to all enabled, but if you click the controller, you can restrict the access to either "owner" or, if you have alts or helpers, to "group", so everyone in the same group as the item is set to can operate it.

>>I lost my controller! Can I get a replacement?<<
The controllers are no copy, since the system you purchase is designed for one region or big parcel. If you want to use it on more than one sim or if you lost or accidentally deleted your controller, you will have to purchase a new one. BUT that doesn't mean you have to pay full price a second time! The controllers are also available as single products, and they'll work just the same with your speakers as the one in the "big box" does. These single controllers are also useful for customers with a smaller parcel who don't need a full surround system with speakers.
You can find the single sound spheres/controllers in a special vendor in the inworld store.

>>There's sometimes tiny gaps between the sound files. Can you fix that?<<
The Sounds Great! full region-capable Ambient System have been designed to pre-load sounds to ensure perfectly seamless playback. However, LSL and the Second Life environment have its flaws, so sometimes these small gaps can occur. Most often this is the case due to lag and network issues or if you cross parcel borders and the preloading is acting hinky. This is unfortunately not something that can be fixed, since it is viewer- and not script-based. We suggest stopping the sound playback via the controller and restarting it, which will resolve the issue in most cases.

>>I don't really like the sounds, can I get a refund?<<
Due to the nature of the Second Life permissions system and the fact that there are ten-minute demos of the sound loops available to test out inworld, we cannot offer refunds. We suggest taking the few minutes it takes to "see the item inworld" and make sure what you purchase is to your liking.

See item in Second Life
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If you have decent size around water space to explore, GET THIS ONE!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 26, 2023 by RemmyHun

If you have decent explorable water in more than one region, get this one AND the single (599L$) speaker/controller of the same name, because that single will then be a controller on the other sim with the copyable speakers in THIS set. If your water section isn't pretty small around, you're ganna want this Full Sim set over the single! The way the sounds offer the sense of those deep underwater currents-- moving water--- it sounds the best and most natural when the speakers are placed beside things where you might expect to hear water moving, being squeezed through narrows, or around coral reefs, plants, sudden-drop edges, deep pit bottoms etc... This means needing more than one speaker or it sounds like you got one churn spot if you get too close to the speaker in passing.

The only thing I find the set to be missing, sound wise, is distant dolphin or whale chatter at least once in the sequence (if it is in there, I may need new speakers, I didn't hear it)... maybe it can be for a version2 for extra layering of soundscape!

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