G General

Staff Availability Monitor & Notifier Version 1.6

Staff Availability Monitor & Notifier


The Staff Availability Monitor & Notifier (SAMN) combines the functions of an online/offline status monitor/notifier with a work schedule monitor. Rather than displaying just "Online" or "Offline", it displays "Available", "Not Available", or "Offline". In order to display "Available", the monitored staff member must be both online and scheduled to be working. This avoids nuisance paging IM's when the staff member may be online but is not on duty (not scheduled to work). The staff member's work schedule can be entered/update via a notecard and changed via a dialog menu. Multiple shifts per day can be specified.

The SAMN automatically displays name of staff member at the bottom of the member's photo.

The owner can also designate administrators who are allowed to update work schedules.Staff members can view their current work schedule.

Users touch the SAMN to page the staff member. If the staff member is online and scheduled to work (Available), they are sent an IM with information about the user. Otherwise the user is sent a message advising the staff member is not available or not online, and no IM is sent to the staff member. The SAMN also includes an optional visitor detector in case you want new arriving visitors to automatically and silently notify the staff member if they are online and available. No messages are sent to the user from the visitor detector.

Page IM's to staff members include clickable links to open customer profile, open an IM session with the customer, or teleport to the monitor location. This makes it very quick and easy to respond to customers.

If you want to monitor/notify multiple staff members, simply make multiple copies of the SAMN and configure each one with a schedule notecard, picture texture, and administrator notecard specific to the staff member being monitored.

The SAMN object is copy/mod so you can customize it or copy my scripts to your own monitor objects. The script is copy, no-mod.

See item in Second Life
  • Integrates works schedule and onlline status
  • Shows "available" only when online and scheduled to work
  • Enter work schedule on notecard
  • Customers can page staff member with IM
  • Owner can assign admins to edit schedules