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Styling Pool Home V1 (boxed)

Styling Pool Home V1 (boxed)

Styling Pool Home V1 (boxed)

This product is completely made ​​of mesh objects.

Landimpact: 213 Prim

Size: 40.5 x 29 meters

Average rating: full star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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Builder is Not too Bright....
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted June 25, 2013 by Zecks Riler

Redoing my review again, problems upon problems arise with this. Let me start why I was first pissed. For one the doors are mesh, that's cool, but this person did not even bother tying to script them or make them easy to script, 2. The "avid" mesh builder that created this also did not set the mesh correctly, so the bounding boxes are not applicable (aka for non builders or mesh creators, this means that you know the inside of the house you live in; yeah you can't go in there cause it is broken,) 3. The reason why it's so high in prims, is because this person just slapped a crap ton of invisi prims down and called it a day. This really is probably one of the few poorly made products out there. However if you are looking for a decent building that just takes of space go for it; but I'm dumping it.

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