Sunniva . Mermaid Body Scales contains 12 BOM layers with 6 siddzrent colors and 2 opacity for each color
Refer to the second image to see the colors
It also comes with Maitreya and Legacy Applier so you can add advanced materials to it
- Bom Layer
- Maitreya 3D Applier
- Legacy 3D Applier
Its not great, but not horrid..
If you do not mind giant scales, and weird seams its good! the color fade is absolutely pretty! But the design and texture are not all that well executed. I bought them and will be using them until I find more that fade into the colors I would like but, I think this creator could do a lot better!
I wouldn't really recommend.
I bought these cause the idea of how they framed the body was great to me. But the execution was poor. The side seams are bad at the hips. I also didn't notice the sparkles on the advertisement, but when I saw them on the product itself I was put off.
Overall I feel kinda burnt on the 800ish L$ I spent between the body and face tattoos.