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TL-Aizark Black v2.0 Version v2.0

TL-Aizark Black v2.0

Mesh Avatar
- Flexible tail
- Moving eyes
- 6 positions of tongue
- Talk jaw

Our company makes their own additions to our avatars! DO NOT BUY FROM OTHER SELLERS MOdS! THIS COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT
Do not buy supplements from XxAfflictionxX it violated our rights!

See item in Second Life
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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted July 07, 2014 by Kiros Sirnah

The Aizark is a neat little creature, however, it's base textures are low quality and the fact that this seller denounces mod kits of any kind for his Avatar makes me cringe.

~The eyes look false, they barely move.
~It has Talk jaw Atleast
~Please allow modders to sell mod kits for this avatar, they are no violating anything unless they are actively selling the avatar it self.
~Decent overall, wish it was more moddable.

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Nice Sculpting However....
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted April 06, 2013 by Drifter Starlight

I bought this avatar a while ago, and though it's mesh is very wonderful, the textures don't match up with it well. the jaw was a completely different texture it seemed, or a different lightness so it didn't match up with the rest of the head. The textures are a low resolution, so it's best viewed if zoomed out. Regardless of the flaws, the mesh itself is excellent, I just wish the textures would complete the av.

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kinda ugly o,o
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted July 02, 2012 by Ghost Warblood

Textures are kinda low res,chest looks like its wearing a stripe latex suit, and the mesh itself is jumping up and down upon zooming in and out.... I really hope you plan on making a update for this.... otherwise i want a refund x,x

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