Touch the sign to request a song to the owner.
This sign has a menu for the owner that lets you turn it ON or OFF or Test it (without changing the on/off status).
It will only operate if you are online.
A box will open for the toucher for a song request and any other info requested. Blank input is ignored. The toucher is thanked using private IM and the request is privately IM'ed to you.
Inside its contents is a free floating text script you can change - it comes floating blank. To turn off floating text, float blank again.
This info is also on a notecard in its contents.
It is modify so you can rename, resize or retexture it. The request script is Copy, No Modify.
Copy so you always have the original.
If you use a viewer that supports keyword alerts, you might add the word "request" there to make the IM from this sign more noticeable in local chat. If you change the name - add a keyword alert for that!
You can also set text color from an object like this to a different color using your viewer's preferences for chat color.