G Generell

TPX DropnGo Teleporter V1.2 Version 1.4

TPX DropnGo Teleporter V1.2

TPX Drop N Go

Congratulations on your purchase of the TPX Drop n Go Teleporters. TPX Drop n Go teleporters are designed to connect 2 places together via a simple dual teleporter system. Basically you drop a TPX Drop n Go teleporter out at each destination within the same sim and they will automatically link to each other. The TPX pad will automatically display the name of the teleporter it connects to. The way the pads do this looks much nicer than hovertext and is less visually intrusive. The TPX pads will automatically update their details if the pads are moved or are reset.

Anywhere that you need to link places in the same sim together (up to 4096m). For example upstairs/downstairs or the ground to the skybox. If you need to link several places together from the same pad you should instead purchase the TPX Networked System.


* When the TPX Drop n Go Pads are rezzed they will be turned off. After making the changes described below just touch the pad and it will turn on. If it links with another pad you will see the name of the other pad on this TPX face.

* To change the name and description (which is used for the communication channel in this instance) you right click the TPX Pad and select 'edit'. In the general tab of the console that pops up you can make the changes described below.

* NAME. Name the TPX pad as required. This is the name that the other TPX Pad will display. The name display on each pad has a maximum of 20 letters. To centre the text on the TPX pad you may need to begin with some spaces depending on the length of the name.

* CHANNEL. In the description text box of each pad is the channel number used for that pair of linked TPX pads. Make sure it is the same number in linked pairs or they can't link together. It is strongly recommended that you choose a new channel number for each linked pair as some situations may cause the TPX pads to link to the wrong pad if reset, i.e. sim restarts etc.

* RESET. To reset the pads stand within 20 metres of one of the pads and say " /73 reset " (without the quotation marks). This will reset any other pads that you own on the sim. If the pad nearest you resets, you will see user feedback in the chat box

  • A simple teleporter to link two places within the same sim
  • Auto linking
  • Displays the name of the destination on the TP pad (not hovertext)
Durchschnittliche Einstufung: full star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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Cannot edit the name box in edit mode
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Veröffentlicht 29.3.2021 von GreatDaze

When an object in no mod, one cannot edit anything including changing the name of destinations in the name box when you place the pad in edit. Permission needs to be given if this teleporter is to work as the creator described.

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