High Detail Turntable
With Animation
Speakers included (Standing on Floor/Hanging on Wall)
Blah blah blah....
DJ Controller without any Animation on it!
There are no animations on the Controller...LEDs and others are static Textures...not worth this 512 Linden. Want back the meoney....a Contoller like this is in marketplace for 1- 20 linden v_v
Hell Yeah
Let me say i like that DJ Booth,it is a real Eyecatcher and the Details looks great...
Good Price too for those Work..Well done !
Good DJ Stuff
Those Turntables looks awesome,Speakers too
also like the Glow Button :-D
Super Turntables !
I do bought it for a Friend who´s Dj and he is totally excited about it.Especially Details and Textures!
Good Job ! Thanks
My favorite DJ booth.
I have been a DJ in SL for almost 10 years and this is my favorite DJ booth, after I tried a dozen of then. I really feel comfortable with it and I rezz it with each occasion. Great details! Yay