Tara's Creations Shalom Mesh Letters In Hebrew (BOX)
Tara's Creations
This sign says Shalom in Hebrew Mesh Letters.
The word "Shalom" in Hebrew means "Peace" & "Hello" & "Goodbye".
When we say Hello in Hebrew we are also saying Peace and the same as Goodbye. The significance of this word being used in all these contexts is to imply that one should always live, come and go in Peace.
✔ It is Mod/Copy. (It will read No Modify in your inventory because of the Resize Script, but the Letters are modify)
✔ Touch any letter and a Resize Menu will appear. You can Resize the sign, as it comes out of the box it is 5 LI in all. It should stay basically within that range even resizing up.
✔ There is only 1 face to the Hebrew letters. Since it is Modify, you can re-texture or recolor to you heart's delight - each letter.
In order to apply your own texture:
Right Click ---> Edit
Check the box Edit Linked
Click on the letter you want to recolor
Click Texture or color...and have fun!
Peace to all of you!
Enjoy :)
See item in Second LifeBeautiful!
An excellent way to show guests and customers that they are indeed welcome. Fully customizable (color and size, the areas I made some edits) to your own taste and preferences. Excellent customer service! Shalom!