this si the tempest dragon medium avatar version ,skin and eyes are also changeable clicking on the hud and selecting from the menu
10 diffrent types of dragon skin
1-green fantasy
2-green reptile
3-black fantasy
4-brown scale
5-blue scale
6-bronze scale
7-black scale 2
8-exotic scale
9-exotic 2
nice, but... too many scripts, I can't use it!
I'm not wearing anything else, just the dragon avatar, and I get a total scripts = 441, total memory use = 17760k which is well above the average allowed on any sim.... so I can't use it... :(
Very Nice!
Thank you for offering quality work for FREE! LOVE these.
he don't look in a good mood
he looks in a bad bad mood ,a dragon has to look like this I don't like friendly dragons
nice pet
everybody needs a pet , some like cats , some dogs or snakes , well I like dragons
Hello Dolly
That's her name , you can see she's female , not ?