*IMPORTANT NOTICE* Muds N Nias Hidden Shops have closed In-World. ALL of our Items are now ON SALE for UNDER L$100 These Items are Only Available through the Marketplace.
We have merged into a new Identity and Product line "Left Hand Shoppe" Soon to be available In-World and on Marketplace.
If you want a castle style home but do not have the space or the prims this is a great option. "The Count" also makes a terrific meeting room or hall. The tower can be used as a ceremonial place or a romantic getaway. The view is striking! A flexible build that is diverse in its use!
114 Prims
30x30m Footprint
Large Spiral Stairway to the roof and Tp system to the Tower (TPs are full perm and can be moved or texture changed. Make copies and use them throughout your sim. They are self configuring and locate themselves. You will never need to open a script!)
2 Entries with Lockable Double Doors and User List, Group setting is also an option.
Lava Pool under the ground floor
Large Fire Bowl
All Windows and Doorways are high quality sculpted prims
Sculpted Spires
**** NOW UPDATED **** Included are 2 versions. The Count as seen in the photos and an Updated version which includes a private room/bedroom. Update is 116 Prims.
Any questions? Send me an IM in-world.
Autumnia Ellisson
Visit In-World at Muds N Nias Hidden Shops!
A wonderful build and merchant, takes care of her customers needs will buy from her again 5 stars!!!!!!