Deadwood Spooky Tree:
The deadwood tree was made for all those fall lovers who like to make there sims look more spooky and fall like. It is fully mesh comes with light animated fog, a hooting owl, spooky spider webs and you can even sit on it.
Comes with 2 single sits and 1 couples that is menu driven so there are NO POSE balls involved.
Takes up a total of 25 on land impact so be advised of this before purchase.
Also, if you should need help please send either Evilmorgan or Moonbuggy resident a In-world Note Card and one of us will get back to you ASAP!
Don't forget to check out our other store items for we are always adding NEW ones all the time for EVERYONE in SL to enjoy.
- Mesh
- Animated
- Scripted
- Decoration
- Halloween