The Helvegen Series: House Jorvik
*** Description & Features ***
- Medium size viking style house
- Entrance door KOOL DOOR ready
- One room
- Thatched roof
- Small stable outside
The house itself is MESH with carefully selected textures.
The building is COPY / MOD.
*** Footprint ***
13 x 15 with stable
*** Landimpact ***
33 LI including stable
Please have a look at the building inworld before ordering it.
We honour positive reviews with a 100L$ giftcard for our shop. Contact Beric01 or Nea Narstrom.
I love all your work and I think I have nearly bought everything you have made. I appreciate the authenticity you put into the designs. Houses are well built, well textured and spacy enough to navigate around in. No complaints, except I want MORE MORE MORE !!!
No, I'm not a bot pasting the same text, I just realised I had some 20 plus items to review !!