The Holy Gork is an living artifact of sorts
the ball itself, is encased in an black scruffy fur,
an flying ball, that does seem to be alive ironically enough, the ball itself seems to be breathing as it expands it does look like it houses some sort of organs
The Holy Gork is the predecessor of the holy egg, the more dark and twisted version of its original cue, flies aswell, just like the holy egg, the wings kind of resemble the ones bats have dont rezz too many that can cause some havoc, leading into the mindless beings bumping into each other, however, if you do have one at all times it does give you an increased amount of luck, seems fun huh..get one today at the discounted price of uuh.. yes!..50L AND DONT THROW IT AGAINST THE WALLS! THX!
Perfect Companion for a Demoness
Gosh this little creature from the Underworld is so frickin` adorable and reminds me so much of home! Only thing I wish is that the critter wouldn't bump into everything so loudly.
If this item was Modify I would just remove the 'Thud' sound inside. It's pretty loud and I don't enjoy it at all. If you can get over the loud thumping sound that this little guy makes, it's a really adorable shoulder pet that flies around you.