Our cutest kitten yet. A tiny pet kitten that's animated. Eyes look around & blink, ears & paws move too. The first kitten in SL to have real fur, not just a flat texture of fur. Tail and whiskers are flexi for added realism.
Check out the picture here, to see the kitten up close.
PLEASE NOTE: It is meant to be a "wearable" pet. Your kitten is most happy to ride on your shoulder, going anywhere you go. (With it's 200+ prims of soft fur, you probably don't want to put it out anywhere.)
All LOLO kittens can talk in chat!
Randomly makes meowing or purring sounds. Choose between three volume settings, or a silent mode.
When anyone touches it, your kitten will meow or purr.
Also, you can give your kitten a name. Fun!
Click on the picture here to see more pics of this kitten, including pics of this kitten by Blue Linden!
Check out the other breeds of fluffy kittens i have made... Please check out my other items, here on SL Exchange. :)
so cute !!
like a fluffy cloud with legs <333
very cute
wish they were less prims so the could lay an sleep in home