The price is expected to increase in a week.
♦Mission statement♦
Our mission at Oceanic designs is to create and provide very high quality houses and villas at reasonable prices to ensure that our buyers gain immense satisfaction from each purchase.
♦Basic information♦
• Prims: 46
• Size: 12 x 16 (Can fit on 512 sqm parcel and over.)
• Large Open Area
• Elegant Hall Way
• Materials Enabled
• Unfurnished Version
♦Room details♦
• Reflective glass windows and doors.
• Wooden wall panels
• Built in bookshelf.
• Metal ceiling vents.
• Tall palm trees and colorful plants
• Large open space.
♦Inquiries and Support♦
If you have any questions about this product or you wish to see it rezzed in world, contact Sarra23 Avro in world.
♦Acknowledgement to viewers♦
Thank you for your interest in this product and do shop with us again.
- Unfurnished
- Reflecting Materials
- Very Spacious
- Modern Design
- Beautiful Landscaping