.:[ The Sword ]:.
Thanks for your purchase of "The Sword" !
The Sword is a weapon for use with the Bloodlines:WAR combat HUD. Once activated, you will be able to attack people within a 3 Meter range using 3 different attacks, causing damage with the possibility of a 1-hit "beheading" kill.
.:[ CONTENTS ]:.
1 Sword (right)
1 Sword (left)
1 Sword Sheath (left)
1 Sword Sheath (right)
1 Set Instructions
1 Pose Stand
1 Bloodlines TOS Notecard
1 Liquid designs Copyright & EULA Notecard
1 LM to Bloodlines: WAR Main Store
For more info, updates, and Bloodlines news:
Website: www.slbloodlines.com
Wiki: www.sl-bloodlines.wikia.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/slbloodlines
Great sword
I like all options for using it, and the potential beheading kill is a nice touch.
a ripoff for the price
This is a locked in weapon, tied to liquid design huds. For that reason the current price is based on monopoly tactics and not really quality. I have bought other loceked in weapons with other huds that are more featured, better designed and scripted. I know its just a sword and part of the war, but the price is way too much in my view.