This is an expansion for the Novatech Type 70 TTC. You must have a Type 70 to use it.
It happens every time. You're busy chasing the latest slimy threat to mankind down a dark, wet sewer and what happens? Some curious pedestrian pops down the manhole after you and bang! monster kibble. Well no more, my friends. With a little Gallifreyan ingenuity, and a properly maintained chameleon circuit, you can land right on top of the sewer entrance, saving commuting time and securely locking it against unwanted audiences.
An original form, Men-at-Work is the perfect disguise for any urban or rural street. And it's very low prim so it transforms almost instantly. It holds two passengers, seated atop the men at work sign (what else would construction workers be doing?) If used as a portal, touch the sign to travel.
Installation is a breeze with the automated installer orb. Just rez the orb next to your Type 70, click on it, and in a few moments you're ready to go.
The Type 70 TTC (Time Travel Capsule) is a combination flying vehicle, transporter and portable skybox. You can fly it like a normal vehicle by sitting inside and saying "start", or click on its sides and use the menu to pilot. Once you reach your destination, another press of a button rezzes a console room, building platform, or both!
You can also change its shape, size, color and texture from a simple menu system, or use more advanced verbal commands for fine-tuning your unique look.
While I cannot claim time travel, it will take you and your friends anywhere within the sim in grand style. All accompanied by authentic looks and sound effects.
The TTC automatically detects compatible transporter systems and landing pads whenever you enter a new region. If you like, you can also use a notecard to store favorite locations in sims you may not be allowed to leave permanent landing pads. In addition to this, there is a WARP menu that lets you quickly move up, down, north, south, east or west in small increments. You can also travel randomly, just like The Doctor when he installed the randomization circuit to foil the Black Guardian in the excellent "Key to Time" season.
Other features include automated landing, defense circuitry, auto-return, custom destinations, homing beacon, landing platform, console room, two modes of travel and an option to let guests or fellow group-mates fly her.
And if you own emDash, you can use your TTC as a portal and poofer, traveling anywhere on the grid!
See item in Second Life- Expansion form for use with the Type 70 TARDIS
- Many forms include multiple skins