LAST UPDATE: 03-07-2011
PERMISSIONS: Mod/Copy/No Transfer
A Scanner has two parts. Best to place them in EDIT mode, so all parts are selected.
In OFF state the beam will become small and positioned up to the Scanner Mirror.
When the Scanner Menu (Menu Prim behind the Scanners mirror) is pressed by the owner, a menu will appear with the following options:
- Set 1, 2, 3: With these functions you can create 3 groups of scanners. Default is Set 1.
- GR ON/OFF: With this function you can enable/ disable the Scanners Ground Effect. Default is ON.
- LIGHT ON/OFF: With this function you can enable/ disable the Scanners prim lights. Default is OFF.
- RESET: With this function you reset the scanner to the default settings.
- Quit: To exit the menu the correct way.
The Controller has 27 buttons;
OFF: To disable Scanners and Controller.
ON: To enable Scanners and Controller. The default program (Switch Colors, Gobo 2) will be started.
STOP: To stop Scanners movement.
FLASH 1, 2: To enable slow and medium Strobo effect.
STROBO: To enable StroboScope function, default color is white, but you can change to other colors.
GOBO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: To set six different Gobo's (Figures). 1 is Broken circel, 2 is Full, 3 is Rounded Star
4 is Curl Shape, 5 is Twisted Triangle, 6 is Stars.
SPEED 1, 2, 3, 4: To set Scanner speed (1 is slow, 4 is fast).
RANDOM: Scanner will randomize colors.
SWITCH: Scanners will switch between colors in order.
ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, PURPLE, WHITE, RED, BLUE: Press buttons to set the color.
- Set 1, 2, 3: With these functions you can create 3 groups of scanners. Default is Set 1.
- Owner, Group, All: You can make the Controller accessible for Owner, Group and All. Default is Group.
- Quit: To exit the menu the correct way.
- Update: To check for product Updates.
VERSION: 1.4, 10-08-2010
- FIXED: Touch event in Scanner Beam and ground effect.
- ADDED: Menu prim (with scanner settings) now behind Scanners mirror.
- CHANGED: Width of beam prim if scanner is in the off state.
VERSION: 1.3, 02-10-2010
- FIXED: Floor effect and Prim Light not working correctly.
VERSION: 1.2, 02-10-2010
- ADDED: 4 scanning Speeds.
- ADDED: Prim Light effect.
VERSION: 1.1, 02-09-2010
- FIXED: Beam texture showing top of texture at bottom of the beam.
- CHANGED: Lenght of beam prim if scanner is in the off state.
This makes it possible to place the ground effect prim further down.
- CHANGED: Controller design, updated to Extreme Series lay-out.
- CHANGED: Menu improvements.
- ADDED: Update function (Controller menu).
- Left and Right smooth moving scanners
- 7 colors, 6 gobos
- 4 speeds and groundeffect
- Advanced Inworld controller and HUD
- Update Service
High quality
Awesome lights :)
First seen these lights working in your club which a friend of mine got recently & had to get these for my own club.
Great job perfect amazing if anyone read this & looking for club lights then this place is all you need to look.
Will buy some more larer on. ^_^