- Easily adjust speed and range (only in the slow medium and fast scripts:)
- Alter values ( line 82,84) to adjust them to your needs.
Only to be resold as part of a build or for personal use. These items can be used in your items but may not be resold full permissions. They must be either no transfer or no copy.
- Scripts can be taken from these 6 examples.
- Rotate and move prim up and down
- Move prim up and down on touch
- Up and down slow, medium and fast
- Up and down on touch and pause
Humm ??
I found an "up" script from this creator inside a door. When you click on the door it takes your Avatar into an upper apartment in the house. That's what I was wanting. I guess I bought the wrong item. This one works fine for what it says it does but it's not for moving an Avatar to another location.
IF YOU SEE THIS CREATOR please let me know which one I have to buy to do what I want. Thanks!
Works exactly as described, was easy to adjust and tinker with. Ty.
Available free in SL
You can copy this and many others free at BUG ISLAND sandbox test prim area. This one is shown with a misleading arrow for 'up down' but in fact it does not move a prim ''up down'. What it is is a 'scaler' which animates the prim to stretch and deform upwards without lifting off the ground.Possible use Halloween? Try a bobbing script for 'up down'.Shame on you. Please refund my 31L.