This large upright piano has a powerful sound and can be played by one or two people. A third person can sit on top. With either one, two, or three sitters, classical solo and duet pieces can be performed.
Both solo and duet animations have 8 songs each. The songs can also be played in succession in an infinite loop. In addition, the player can be silent but still animated as if they are playing, and be silent, with a non-playing sit.
The piano can be set to white, black, wood, pink, teal and red (see pictures).
* Disclaimer: the piano is Mod. The scripts inside are No Mod. resizing may change the Land Impact.
Ver el artículo en Second Lifewell made
great piano-- animations, textures, and song selection. Even a little spicy things, which is great. But why only hear sound when sitting on piano? And why no loop sound option? heart + slightly broken. I buy instruments as background music players in my homes. Hate that someone has to sit on it to hear the music. But overall, it's worth the money.
I LOVE it!
This is excellent product for the price! Great song selection, including a whole different song selection for duets. I am blown away, never expected it to be THIS good!
Beautifully made - wonderful choices. Can't believe it's only L$388. Thank you ♥
Great Piano!
I love that I was able to size this down for my smaller avatar and reduce the land impact! High quality, great textures, good animation, good songs. I am quite happy wiht my purchase. The only thing I'd change would be to let people turn the music on even when not seated.
Excelente realización, ojalá pudieran incorporársele otras melodías como el Ragtime.