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You receive:

# Mesh Box full perm
# Mesh Box baked texture - to help you texturizing the mesh
# Notecard with information
# Mesh Box textured for your own purposes (only copy and mod)

By purchasing Viviane Fashion Full Perm Templates you agree to the following:

# You will not sell the mesh full perm
# You will not give away or share the mesh
# You will not sell or give away clothing you make from these mesh full perm or with copy/transfer permissions enabled.
# You will not use these mesh in any template kit of you own.
# you will not sell or give away the ready textured items included in the package.

You are allowed to modify and sell this item by itself or as part of a set - as long as it has been significantly modified.


Viviane Fashion
Handmade Fashion ~ No Resell ~ No ready Templates

Visit our Webpage:

For any further information or if you need help, please contact Viviane Hobble.

Thank you for purchasing our products :)


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Exactly What It Says On the Tin
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 24, 2018 by Haifeng Chu

It's a box with a baked texture map and it only cost me 10 L$. What more do you really need? Just attach a root prim after you make your texture and you're set.

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted October 01, 2016 by rasterscan

this sux

neither map makes a shoebox and the textured sample is not full perm

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 02, 2016 by Malin Sabra

Nice box, 10 linden, win win.

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Nothing wrong with any texture
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 25, 2015 by Nerxual Oh

You use only the VF MESH Box No2 Baked Texture that comes with it. Everything else doesn't look like it'll be any use. Very simple to use and edit the texture into your own builds. I have no issue with it.

As for the textured black box, it's called an example. You don't use examples in your own builds unless you're asking to be flagged for ignoring the creator's rules. Simple as that.

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Exactly what I was looking for, and $10L
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 10, 2015 by Lilah Munster

Can't complain about that. Good LOD, low LI, good price, and easy to texture if you've ever worked with shadow maps and UV maps before.

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nice box
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted July 05, 2014 by mistecho

I didn't have any problems with the shadows but the shadow map is alpha so you will need to make your own textures. Does not include the black texture from the photo.

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