ATTENTION: This is a special edition of the Sensual Woman where we have added breathing effect to the stands. All the rest is the same than regular Sensual Woman.
*Owners of the standar Sensual dont have to pay full price and can get the "upgrade" to this version for just 200 L$.
Go to upgrade center:
NOTES UPDATE V5***********************
!!!Added 5 new stand animations free!!!
We updated the HUD to v3.6 solving minor bugs. (see HUD3.6 notecard
Updated to new HUD3.4 with dances,force arms, face expresions etc...
See the video!
Welcome to the new Vista Animations female Overrider. We are pleased to presend you the 3rd motion capture (MOCAP) female AO. We used the same real world model that we used in the Mocap Runway AO, and we got what we looked for: an elegant, femenine and sensual AO. A complete new set, versatile for all ocasions. Lets say we mixed two styles, realism from Dangerous Girl, and classy of Perfect Lady. Saying this... hope that all love it as i do!
Best description is a image, right? Whatch youtube video!!
Animations included:**********************
*-17 Mocap stands
*-7 walk animations
*-1 Crounch (mocap teasing stand) and 1 crounchwalk
*-1 Prejump, jump, landing, hard landing.
*- flight, fslow, up, down, fall, and 2 hovers
*-5 ground sits and 5 sits
*-Dive and float anims
*-1 typing animation, (mocap talking animation)
Notecard options included: (use load button)***********************
*-VISTAAO- All the Sensual AO animations on this default option.
*-COQUETTE- Just the stands, sits and grounds more "coquette" included here. (not all AO animations on this option)
*-FORMAL- Not playing the more "teasing/coquette" stands, sits and grounds. Are you on a formal meeting? use this option.
*-RELAXED- Only the poses with less movement. Not walking arround etc.
Vista Animations HUD (by Monika F)*********************************
See item in Second Life View Video »- Motion capture stands with breath effect
- 17+5 stand animations!
- New Vista Animations HUD 3.x
- Auto update
- Breathing effect edition
Vista is Perfect !! <3
I love this store !!
Interfers with my collar
Only thing I don't like about it, is it interfers with my collar. I am collared, and my Master commands, the ao overrides his commands. Can't have that.