Hayabusa Design Present : Feel the Nature with Wind, with Life.
!!! Visual Revolution, True Natural Wind in Mesh Plants !!!
Prepare yourself to see true and smooth Wind Effect in Tree Mesh. A true Visual Revolution on Second Life !
Exclusive Technology of Hayabusa Design / 3D&Dreams Software.
With no compromise about texture quality, no compromise about lag, zero lag warranty, no compromise about accuracy of the botanical geometry !!!
No compromise, we promise.
---> 3 foliage Textures include, with menu to select them. <---
---> More : a menu let you control speed and amplitude of the Wind. <---
NB : Video show many trees with wind effect come from Hayabusa Design Store, the video Not show what this box contains. This box contains one tree with wind effect.
See pictures to see the tree shape and geometry.
The best way is to come on the store to see the Wind effect in action, please.
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Purchasing this item means that you agree to abide by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree or feel that you cannot comply, you must delete them and retain no copies of them. Violations of the license will be reported to Linden Labs under the American DMCA Copyright Act.
Reference : http://secondlife.com/corporate/dmca.php
- True Wind Effect on Mesh Tree
- Menu to adjust speed and amplitude
- High resolution texture
- Zero lag warranty
- menu let you control texture choice; speed and amplitude of the Wind
Most romantic and beautiful tree EVER!
I love this creator and all the beautiful things they do, this tree is not only beautiful its also original and unique. I adore that also as an extra textures changes! Thank you so much I am so happy with my purchase, will use it for my store for decorating for Valentines day :))