[VelTec Industries]
Platform: FN FAL
Fire Modes: Auto, Semi-Auto
Average Rate of Fire: 450 RPM (Fixed/Non-Adjustable)
Bullet Dimensions: 5.00x0.038x0.038 (Standard), 12.00x0.038x0.038 (High Grain)
Capacity: 20 Rounds (Standard Mag), 30 Rounds (Extended Mag)
The FAL is a beloved classic weapon, loved by soldiers around the world, and is one of the most widely
used rifles in history. The VelTec reproduction is intended to be relatively accurate to the original, with
the exception of a lowered rate of fire in automatic mode. It is still a very effective weapon, and this
variant has been built to be as reliable and efficient as possible.
[Update Changelog]
2.00 - Added +R variant, which contains a resizer. Note: The original size of the weapon is not a "bug" that needed
to be fixed, but rather an accurate representation of the weapons canonical size.
However, we've decided to update the weapon due to disfavor of aesthetic denial. Note: Both the slung and
equipped versions will need to be resized individually according to your needs. Click the weapon to activate
the resizer. It is recommended you use the resizer's delete function after adjustment to maintain peak
weapon efficiency.
*All commands for primary class weapons are on channel 6.*
Mouse Click - Fire Weapon
C - Use Melee.
"/6r" will reload the weapon.
"/6semi" will set the weapon to fire in semi-automatic mode. Increases accuracy.
"/6auto" will set the weapon to fire in full automatic mode. Decreases accuracy
"/6mg" will toggle between 20 round standard and 30 round extended magazines.
"/6md" will toggle magazine drop as enabled or disabled.
"/6vel:###" Will set projectile velocity, where "#" represents a number. Default 200.
"/6off:#" Will set projectile velocity, where "#" represents a number. Default 5.
"/6sling" will sling the weapon, rendering it full alpha.
"/6draw" will draw the weapon.
"/6reset" will reset the weapons scripts.
"/6st" will load standard .308WVT Rounds. (5.00x0.038x0.038 )
"/6tr" will load tracer .308WVT Rounds. (5.00x0.038x0.038 )
"/6lp" will load low profile .308WVT Rounds. (5.00x0.038x0.038 )
"/6hg" will load high grain .308WVT Rounds. (12.00x0.038x0.038) - MAY BE ILLEGAL IN SOME SIMS
Thank you for choosing VelTec Industries.
- 4 ammunition types.
- Semi-Automatic or Full Automatic.
- Low lag.
great product works well pisses everyone off because its reliable