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[VelTec] T-187 Spearhead Tank Version 1.00

[VelTec] T-187 Spearhead Tank


The VelTec Industries T-187 "Spearhead" Main Battle Tank provides a wide range of options for armored combat.
This tank is equipped with many different weapons and munitions, as well as different armor types to suit your
personal needs. Please ensure that RLV is enabled for smooth deployment of sitbases for your vehicles, as your
vehicle will auto-sit you and deploy when utilizing the deploy commands! Please Note: This is an attachment based
vehicle, meaning the visual representation of the vehicle itself (Turret & Chassis) are attached to the avatar and
NOT rezzed on the ground!

x2 25mm Auto Cannons | x1 Polaron Auto Cannon | x1 Grenade Launcher | x1 Proton Light Cannon
x1 135mm Rail Assisted Kinetic Cannon | x1 Anti-Proton Energy Cannon | x1 Proton Energy Cannon
x8 Auxiliary Canister Launchers
x1 Nanite Dispenser [5 Charges]
x1 Defense Field Generator

100|200|300|400 AP Legacy.
100|200|300|400 AP NTLBA+LA.
200|300|400 AP NTLBA.
200|300|400 AP Despot Armor.
100|200|300 AP Advanced Polymer Armor.
200|300|400 AP Depleted Uranium Lattice Armor.
200|300|400 AP Graphene Reinforced Lattice Armor.

  • Weapons compatible with LLCS and LBA.
  • Multiple weapon configurations.
  • Multiple LBA and Legacy armor bases up to 400 Armor Points.
  • Multiple paint variations.
  • Integerated Defense Field Generator and Repair Nanite Dispensers.
Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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Good, but be prepared
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted April 07, 2022 by Nohime Runner

Wonderful tank with lots of amazing configuration but the notecard that comes with it is absolutely a beast and will piss you off if you try to find even a basic understanding of it, as it is so poorly written.

Once you figure it out though, you will see just how wonderful the tank really is. So large, un-needed headache in your future but an AMAZING tank.

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Very good-satisfied customer
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted May 11, 2020 by AINGELPROJECT667

I'm usually iffy about buying 'worn' vehicles, but I found this one to be very simple and straightforward, and easy and fun to use.

- If I had to suggest an improvement, I would say to include a display model or make the base pieces mod so one could make a display model themselves.

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Best LLCS Tank for the price
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 04, 2019 by Quite Spicy

This tank is the embodiment of adaptation. The amount of different potential configurations for this pretty LLCS tank is staggering, and depending on what settings you use, it can contend with just about any other LLCS based vehicle out there no problem. Make sure you familiarize yourself with the instruction notecard for this monster, because you'll need to. There is simply so much you can do with the thing it's incredible. Keep in mind, this isn't meant for Roleplay purposes and it is not VICE enabled, this tank is pure LLCS with LBA functionality, and is attachment based.

It does not have cross-region capability and is meant for single-sim LLCS combat. I would recommend some cross-sim deployment modes for future updates to this tank so it can be driven around reliably on mainland, but that's my only gripe so far. Otherwise this is pretty much the most solid LLCS tank i've ever owned, aside from a few of the moire advanced tiers of tanks in the Tkoi armory itself. Extremely good quality for a fraction of the price of the competition. I highly recommend this to anyone active in the LLCS based combat community.

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The Perfect Tank
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 03, 2019 by Sam Huntsman

To pull out when you can't fight normally, or if you're mad, or if you want to make everyone else mad, or if you want to lose friends. It has it all, ladies and gentlemen. Anti-air, not one, but TWO(!) ways to repair yourself, which is great because if you use this, you don't have any friends, and that's IF the enemy can get past your defense screen. One of three defensive screens, mind you, the use of which reminds me of those childhood playground days of pretend gunfighting, where "That kid" would suddenly say that he has a shield so you can't hit him right now.

But going back to my previous point where I said "It has it all", no, it really does. Anti-air capabilities? There's a cannon for that. Explosive machinegun rounds? There's a cannon for that. Automatic shotgun pellets with absolutely no cooldown time? Try sweep mode in the co-ax, it's REALLY good. Hitscan explosive anti-tank rounds that balance your checkbook every time they hit the target? Hell yeah. Sure people might complain about balance, and the merit of having specialized vehicles for different things so you actually have to strategize for different situations. But those people have friends. Not you, no, in your T-187 Spearhead, you are truly a one-man army.

Screw balance. Fuck fun. You're out to win. Buy VelTec.

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Excellent Work!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 09, 2019 by Reyane Rhiadra

Get it and start owning people!!!!

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L$ 500

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VelTec Industries
VelTec Industries
Sold by: Kirov Vasiliev

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