"Victorian Gazebo with flower pot"
I am very proud to present my latest creation “Victorian Gazebo" 100% original mesh.
This version includes:
*Victorian Gazebo with planters and plants. This version also includes the empty version and also a single planter.
*Victorian Gazebo with flowerpots and plants
Footage: 13,0x 13,00
Land Impact: 40
copy/modify yes
no transfer
Victorian Gazebo is also available in two different versions:
*Victorian Gazebo empty: only structure without planters;
**Victorian Gazebo with flowerpots and plants & xmas/snow decor
look related items to find them
These products are 100% mesh and has been made with cinema 4d.
For any help please contact
Sheerpetal Roussel - Designer
Not a fan of this one
Not worth $1200 Lindens.... For starters I couldn't find it in the store and I spent over an hour there just trying to find it in a vender.. was it there? I wouldn't know. the sim itself was badly in need of a RESTART! Second when I set it out, its not magical, in fact its on par with another one I found for a heck of a lot less and you can keep the flowers.. The roof is SHINEY because whoever made it used a crap texture and tried to hide it with SHINE ON ... LAME and too expensive for what it is..
It's a perfect fit for our current sim build. Incredible level of detail, finely crafted, beautifully imagined and executed. Not too big, not too small. Amazingly well done.
wonderful work
exactly what I was looking for for the landscape at the coast, a viewpoint, free, open, rest area with a wonderful view. Thank you very much and keep it up.
To admire here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Laserlight/155/208/166
I love the detail, textures, amd shape. I would definately reccomend it !
Pictures don't do it justice
I went looking for a Victorian style shelter and purchased this, it was more then I expected, well crafted, sharp visual, the colors excellent to blend with nearly any setting, and with the art gallery I placed it by it is a wonderful touch
This is a beautiful build for our period home. It's perfect and so well made. The detail is amazing and we couldn't be happier with it.