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Visitor Greeter and Notification

Visitor Greeter and Notification
Visitor Greeter and Notification
8 Reviews

This script
- greets a visitor in local chat
- gives a landmark
- and notifies the owner of the visitor
when an avatar steps on the prim it is in.

Any of the functions can be disabled by "commenting the line out" = adding "//" to the beginning of the line.

Contrary to what the first reviewer writes, this script DOES work and give out landmarks when someone steps on the object containing it like stated above.

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No instructions doesnt work.
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted September 08, 2017 by Nessija

I struggle to say something negative. But I am not a script professional to deal with editing this without instructions. Not even a notecard or a hint on what to edit. The greeter is not greeting when a person enters ( i have it in a prim at the door). I am doing guess work to try to get it to do what you say it does. But you dont get 1 star for it not working because I may just not know how. What you do get that for though is being too lazy to provide help in the box. And no I will not contact every creator for things I buy to get the instructions myself. And I do not appreciate having to do guess work and running after creators for instructions after paying for something. Dont care about the 19L if it was working with instructions Id pay 300. Do care about the wasted hour of my life.

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Great Little Script!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 08, 2017 by Julia Blackwood

This is a great little script which does exactly what it says. The creator gives clear and easy-to-follow instructions right in the listing for how to disable a feature and it works. Exactly what I needed and so affordable!

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L$ 19

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Old Bohemian

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