WINTERFALLS - full furnished winter cottage skybox - 350+anims
➜ 60x60 meters (4096 sqm or bigger)
➜ 538 full furnished
➜ Remote Control System for windows, doors, radio, security and lights
➜ 2 floor
➜ Snow Generator
➜ winter garden (not linked with the house)
➜ Security System (needs permissions on land) with menu access option: with menu access options: all, group, managers, or owner only; adjustable scanrange; adjustable delay
➜ privacy windows 3 positions: open, weave open and closed.
➜ lockable doors
➜ radio (needs media permissions on land)
➜ lights 5 intensity/brightness positions and over 50 colors
➜ Rental Mode
➜ relay deedable with group
➜ free update for life
➜ high quality textures
➜ rez-faux
All furniture is animated with no static high quality animations.
IMPORTANT: furniture is not linked with house. You can move or delete it like you prefer.
➜ rugs
➜ paints
➜ potted plants
➜ Adjustable Ultianimated couch MLP 98 high quality animations
➜ 2 different bed MLP
➜ fireplace (on/off)
➜ MLP rug high quality animations
➜Hot tub MLP high quality animations
➜ sink + bath accessoires
➜bedroom desk - armchair
➜ washstand
➜ wardrobe
➜ internet vor Viewer 2 + tv support
➜ dinner table 74 HQ anims + dinner chiars
➜ kitchen
➜ FAQ, support page and tutorials at our website, ➜ All istructions about setting and operation into the package (english)
➜ support in world via im or notecard (english)
- Full furnished
- over 350 anims
- remote controlled + security system
- free update & support
Aweasome ! Great house i feel so cosy inside. Snow on or off, it's so cool!
Best Winter House!
was looking for a homey feel house for the winter month and found it with this Winterfalls house, Great work guys keep it up!!