G Général

Wall Mount Blood Pressure Gauge Version 4.1

Wall Mount Blood Pressure Gauge

This is a wall-mount blood pressure gauge/sphygmomanometer of the type formerly seen in doctors' offices (but now sadly largely gone in favor of hand-held ones). It give a wearable cuff, and when blood pressure is checked, the cuff automatically inflates and deflates.

The gauge has been updated to respond to the Mercy patient's blood pressure as set on it. When the "Check Blood Pressure" button is touched, the gauge signals the patient HUD to emit the patient's BP again.

If the patient isn't wearing a HUD, the gauge automatically generates a random "normal" value.

This makes a great addition to any doctor's office, hospital, clinic, asylum, or other medical facility, and gives an old-fashioned touch.

  • Gives wearable cuff from menu
  • Pump bulb and cuff play blood pressure sound when touched.
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This a great for roleplay!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 2/7/2024 de GigiAlyonaViotto

I would recommend this, it is very worth it!

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full star full star full star full star empty star Publié le 27/2/2017 de 1BlueMystique

when i first baught this a rated it a 3 stars . but the creator updated it and now i love it i hope she can update it with a bulb. so the blood pressure can attach to the bulb the doctor or nurse is holding but all and all great job on the update.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 23/9/2016 de blackbirrd

Nice bit of med equipment, looks real and it's well made thanks!

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Now I can prove they're being dramatic!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 24/1/2014 de Gettysburg Address

My employees keep complaining of SL "stress" related illness. So I purchased this item allowing them to occasionally check their blood pressure.

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Great for hosptal or role play
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 30/9/2013 de Carlalynn2003 Laville

Very nice detail. Looks terrific and works great too!

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